Friday 1 May 2009

There's good news.......

...and there's bad news!
The good news is, I don't need a new camera or XD storage card. The bad news is, I've lost all the photos I took around Wales. Having purchased a USB card reader and downloaded several pieces of data recovery software, nothing has worked. It's so frustrating. When I scanned the card I was finding all the pictures and I thought everything was going to be OK, but then the PC crashed. Tried again with another piece of software and the same thing happened. Obviously the data card had become corrupted and the only way to rectify this was to do a full 'checkdisk' and recover the 'Bad' sectors. This however required reformatting the card, which in turn meant losing all the pictures. I said "Oh dear, Oh dear" as you can imagine! Never mind, onward and upward!

Wednesday saw Malcolm and I at St. David's Britain's smallest city with fewer than 2000 inhabitants. The city is dominated by the beautiful cathedral
The first cathedral was founded as part of a greater monastery by St. David around the year 600. The present building was begun in 1181 but suffered many calamities such as a collapsed tower and an earthquake.The nave is built in the traditional Norman style with a wonderful wooden ceiling. The wooden ceiling was built instead of the more usual stone vaulted roof because of the earthquake which distorted the walls at the west end. The huge organ seen in the picture above was originally built in 1883 but was repaired, rebuilt and reinstalled with additional 'bits' in 1980. It now has 4 manuals and 54 stops. Far more information about the organ HERE.

Pictures taken from Wikipedia Commons.

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