Friday 15 May 2009

Seasonal Differences

Walking the Nutbrook Trail, I was struck by the differences in scene from season to season. Where, just a few weeks ago there was frost, ice and lifeless trees, there are now green leaves, burgeoning wild flowers, singing birds and baby rabbits. The differences are strikingly obvious when you look back at a picture I took at the end of November last year and compare it to the same scene taken a couple of days ago. Firstly the wintry scene...

Compare to the recent image....

The area in question is known locally as the 'Beauty Spot'. Historically very significant, this was once a reservoir supplying drinking water to Ilkeston until the early 20th century. The water came from several sources including the Oakwell Stream, pumped water from the Kirk Hallam Colliery and water from the Nutbrook. After this period, the area was used for recreation. Boating, walking and even occasional firework displays and concerts.

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