Thursday 16 April 2009


Malcolm and I returned today after a couple of nights in Kent and a trip across the Channel to stock up on wine. Just our luck that on the day we had booked the Channel Tunnel, the French Fishermen blockaded the Channel ports and created havoc all round. Even though we left the Travel Lodge early on Wednesday morning - knowing that we were likely to have long delays, we still arrived too late for the crossing we'd booked. However, the British side of Tunnel had everything under control and put us on the following train, no waiting, no fuss, no problem.
Shopping at the City of Europe was a doddle. The place was like a ghost-town, anyone would have thought it was closed, it was so quiet. But it did mean we could get our wine easily and quickly and head back to the Tunnel early. French Police were very obvious as we approached the Tunnel as the Fishermen had threatened to blockade that too.
The check-in and holding area at the French side were very busy but, unlike the British side, things were not as well organised. The illuminated information signs in the car -park were not working and the spoken announcements were difficult to hear. We had an hour to wait before we could board the train but it was rather pleasant in the warm sunshine.
Eventually we arrived back in 'Blighty' and had an easy drive back to the Travel Lodge. We passed the stacked lorries on the M20, what a sight, the queue stretched for five and a half miles! The French Fishermen have an awful lot to answer for.
Still, never mind, we're home again with the welcome sight of a fully stocked 'wine cellar'. Now, where's my glass......?

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