Monday 23 March 2009

Mother's Day

We had a nice day yesterday. Rather than buying our mothers flowers (which will die in a couple of days), or chocolates (which is too obvious), we decided to take Malcolm's Mum over to King's Lynn, to my Mum's and take them out for lunch. In the afternoon we went for a short drive to Sandringham, had a wander around the visitors centre, enjoying the fine weather and then 'tea and stickies' at a nearby garden centre and cafe - know to the family as 'Fiddler's Corner' (a long story which I believe originates from my Grandfather).
I was wondering about the origins of Mother's Day and it appears to have several different starting points. It comes from a mixture of mother worship in ancient Greece, the ancient Roman holiday, Matronalia, which was dedicated to Juno and a number of other factors. Mother's Day is celebrated on different days depending on where you live. In Britain it is celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Lent, a day shared only with Ireland and, believe it or not, Nigeria!
Whatever the origins, it's not a bad idea is it?

From Stephen's Views
Dear old souls!!!!!

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