Wednesday 28 January 2009

Back again.

Arrived safely back home this morning. After a lovely couple of weeks in the sun of Spain, I have lots of new photos to share. Spain had the worst storms it had seen for 14 years while we were there and the fall-out was felt in Benidorm too with walls blown down, windows blown out and Malcolm and I nearly blown over! On reflection, it was probably not the best decision we ever made when we went out for a walk around the cliffs and coves to the 'Castell del Mar' last Saturday, but the strength of the wind around the exposed twists and turns of the walk certainly made it one of the most dramatic and hair-raising (literally) walks we had ever done.

More over the next few days as I get the photos downloaded from my camera and sort the good from the not-so-good to share with you.......... Stay tuned!

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