Wednesday 5 November 2008

Grey day

Yet another grey, miserable day. So I thought we could do with some cheerful, colourful pictures to brighten things a little. Earlier in the year, Malcolm and I went to Cornwall for a few days. The weather was fine all week except for the first day when it was remarkably like it is today. So we decided to spend the day under cover at the Eden Project and these are just some of the colourful flowers that greeted us. The reds and oranges seem to stand out so clearly against the dark green background leaves, which is of course, why so many flowers and berries are red. The blues looked pretty good too. This Ipomoea seemed to glow in the dim light. Clivias are popular as house plants and looking at large, beautiful, orange specimens like this, it is not difficult to see why. As we headed out of the Eden Project, there was the most fantastic display of tulips to send us on our way. Every colour and shade you could imagine. Tulips never looked this good in our garden! Oh well! Back to reality. Lets see what the weather is doing now....... Oh look! It's still drizzling!

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